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Your Career & Technical Education


Revolutionize Your CTE Data Management & Reporting

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Use Powerful Insights for CTE Program Success

Eduthings helps you collect and analyze data on students in each of the areas below, while reporting that information at the individual, course, grade, concentrator/completer, campus, and district levels. Users can view higher level information, like program performance and retention reports, as well as more basic information, such as enrollment and demographics in your CTE programs.
vs. non-CTE student performance comparisons are also available.

Simplify Data Collection, Reporting & Analysis
Comply with Laws & Regulations
Track Student Achievement
Improve Student Outcomes
Measure Program Effectiveness
Industry-Based Certifications

Certification Reports at Your Fingertips

Eduthings offers a robust set of features to enhance industry-based certification reporting. Its comprehensive reports can be customized with filters for student, demographics, teacher, course, certification, completer status, or district, providing a versatile and detailed view. The platform's capabilities extend to identifying whether certifications meet pathway requirements and pinpointing students who need to earn certifications. Eduthings enables institutions to track the earner rate, offering valuable insights at both the teacher and student levels. With these functionalities, Eduthings empowers educators to efficiently manage and optimize the certification process, ensuring a more streamlined and effective approach to Career & Technical Education programs.

Popular Reports

  • Program of Study
  • Concentrator/Completer
  • Attempts/Passed/Earned


Work-Based Learning

Optimize Experiential Learning

The Eduthings platform offers a centralized location for seamlessly tracking and monitoring Work-Based Learning (WBL) initiatives. Dive deep into personalized insights, as reports can be efficiently filtered by student, teacher, course, and district, providing a comprehensive overview of experiential learning success. Eduthings empowers educators and administrators to make informed decisions, ensuring a transformative and tailored educational experience for all. Additionally, students can conveniently upload their timesheets and training agreements through their student portal, simplifying the process for administrators and teachers and enhancing communication regarding these essential documents.

Popular Reports

  • Hours & Wages
  • Teacher Visits
  • Training Plans



Harnessing CTSO Data for Student Success

Eduthings introduces a centralized, one-size-fits-all approach to seamlessly track Career and Technical Student Organization participation, providing educators and administrators with a comprehensive overview of student involvement. Effortlessly import data from various systems, including Agricultural Experience Tracker (AET) and Judging Card, ensuring a streamlined and integrated experience. With the ability to validate investments in CTSO and CTE program travel and expenses, Eduthings empowers educational institutions to make informed decisions and strategically enhance student success through targeted initiatives.

Trackable Content:

  • Dues
  • Officer Status
  • Contest Participation


Advisory Boards

Maximizing Impact through Advisory Board Reports

Advisory Boards reports empower organizations by providing a comprehensive solution for strategic planning, goal-setting, and efficient meeting management. The application streamlines these critical processes, fostering effective collaboration and enabling organizations to track progress seamlessly. With Eduthings, your organization gains a powerful tool to enhance decision-making, drive success, and ensure impactful engagement with Advisory Boards.

Trackable Content:

  • Sign-in Sheets
  • Meeting Minutes
  • Contacts
  • Goals


Reports for Strategic Decision Making

Eduthings Inventory reports offer a comprehensive solution for managing CTE equipment. The application excels in tracking federal equipment, monitoring its condition, and efficiently handling possession status. It simplifies administrative tasks such as creating equipment labels and managing purchase requests, providing a streamlined approach for CTE directors and coordinators. This tool proves invaluable in alleviating the challenges associated with overseeing the intricate process of CTE equipment management, ensuring smooth operations and optimal resource utilization within educational institutions.

Popular Reports

  • Federal Equipment
  • Costs by Class
  • Condition by Class



Are You Ready to Empower Your CTE Program?

Our dedicated team, fueled by technical expertise and a genuine passion for CTE, is committed to your program's success. Eduthings is more than a platform; it's a partnership, supporting you every step of the way to empower your CTE programs and drive positive educational outcomes.