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Holly K. Tolston

CTE Director


What are your key CTE responsibilities in your current job role?

As a CTE Director, I oversee the planning, implementation, and evaluation of CTE programs. This includes program development, budget management, staff hiring and training, student enrollment management, community partnerships, and ensuring compliance with state and federal regulations. I collaborate with industry partners to align programs with workforce needs and trends.

Why do you feel Career & Tech education is important the future of education?

CTE is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it provides students with practical skills and knowledge that are directly applicable to the workforce, helping them to be more college and career-ready upon graduation. Secondly, CTE programs cater to a wide range of learning styles, offering hands-on learning experiences that engage students who may not excel in other classes. Additionally, CTE programs can address labor market needs by preparing students for high-demand, skilled professions, thereby contributing to economic growth and competitiveness. Overall, CTE education plays a vital role in equipping students with the skills and competencies needed for success after high school graduation.

What is the biggest benefit students can receive from enrolling in CTE programs/courses?

CTE programs and courses offer hands-on skills that are directly applicable to real-world careers. Students can gain industry-recognized credentials and work-based learning opportunities, both of which give students a competitive edge in the job market. Lastly, CTE helps students explore various career pathways which helps them make informed decisions about their future.

Please share some of your hobbies.

Reading, boating, biking, spending time with family.