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Lynnette Garcia

CTE Coordinator


Life has a funny way of teaching you valuable lessons through unexpected turns. While the practicalities of cosmetology initially called my name, the ever-evolving nature of life, particularly as a single parent in the Bay Area, led me on a fascinating journey of rediscovering the power of continuous learning. From pursuing a career in optics to exploring leadership coaching with Source Point Training and holistic health with San Francisco State University and Institute of Integrative Nutrition and my Career Education Teaching Credential with LACOE. I've embraced the fluidity of knowledge and the joy of interdisciplinary exploration. Each experience has added a unique layer to my understanding of the world, revealing the exciting intersections between seemingly disparate fields. Now, returning to school as an adult learner, I'm driven by a deep curiosity to see how these diverse areas of interest connect and contribute to a well-rounded perspective. The process of learning itself has become a source of immense satisfaction, and I'm forever grateful for the opportunity to keep growing and evolving alongside the ever-changing world.

What are your key CTE responsibilities in your current job role?

Currently, I manage 18-21 career education - workforce development related programs. Managing schedules, instructor and student interaction and to some degree enrollment.

Why do you feel Career & Tech education is important the future of education?

As you can see with my BIO, everyone is not ready for college when they graduate from High School. I love having programs where students can take 1-2 classes in preparation to enter into the workforce with a livable wage.

Please share some of your hobbies.

I used to love to read, travel, jog, walk and experiment with food and I think it's time I find time to balance work and life