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iCEV Tutorial

Proctoring a Certification Exam


Before proctoring a certification exam, be sure to review the iCEV Proctor Guidelines.

1. Certification Exam

Select Certification

From the My Courses page:

  • Both the proctor and student
    • Should click the View button next to the certification the student will be attempting.


2. Manage Proctors

Teacher View - Proctor the Exam 

  • Scroll to the bottom of the Lessons page
  • Under the Proctors menu
    • Click Manage Proctors if you will not be proctoring the exam and need to assign a proctor.
    • OR click Proctor Exam



Student View - Confirm Identity

Once a student is ready to take a certification exam:
  • The student should locate the Final Assessment at the bottom of the Lessons page.
  • The student must confirm their identity by checking the box and clicking on the green Check In button.
  • The message “Waiting on Proctor to start the exam” will appear.


3. Checking In

Status: Not Checked-In

If a student is ready to take a certification exam; but hasn’t checked in; this message will be shown:
Not Checked-in

Please have the student check in. Once the student has checked-in their status will change to “Ready”.

The floating timer lets you know when you last refreshed the proctor page. Can’t find a certification candidate who says they’ve checked in? Click “Refresh Now.”


Student needs to check-in


The student needs to click the [Check In] button

Status: Ready

If “Ready” is the status message; this means that the student has completed all of the required lessons and the student has checked in.


Status: Select which type of voucher to use

If “Ready” is the status message; this means that the student has completed all of the required courses and the student has checked in.


Voucher options dropdown menu

Digital Vouchers (most customers use digital vouchers)

  1. Select Digital Voucher from the dropdown menu
  2. Check Approved checkbox
  3. Click the Begin Exam button


Using Digital Vouchers


What the student will see after a certification is approved and Begin Exam is clicked by the Proctor.


What students will see after they click the Next button


What students will see after they click the Launch Exam button

Voucher Code

  1. Select Voucher Code from the dropdown menu
  2. Enter the voucher code into the textbox
  3. Check Approved checkbox
  4. Click the Begin Exam button


Using Voucher Code


What students will see after a certification is approved and Begin Exam is clicked by the Proctor.

Students will be sent to the Purchase Certification screen if the voucher code:
  • Has been previously used
  • Was entered incorrectly by the Proctor


What students will see after they click the Next button and the voucher code provided is invalid

From the Purchase Certification screen the voucher code can be entered again, or a different voucher code can be used. Entering the voucher code again must occur at the student’s computer; this screen will be visible on the student’s monitor.


What students will see after they click the Next button and a valid voucher code is used


What students will see after they click the [ Launch Exam ] button

Student Entry

This should only be used if a student has purchased a voucher code from a campus bookstore or has decided to purchase a certification attempt through a credit card. This option will require the voucher code to be entered at the student’s computer.

  1. Select Student Entry from the dropdown menu
  2. Check Approved checkbox
  3. Click Begin Exam button


Using Student Entry


What students will see


What students will see after they click the Next button and a valid voucher code is used


What students will see after they click the Launch Exam button

4. Monitoring Student Progress

NOTE: Certification candidates must begin their certification exam within 20 minutes of proctor approval. If they fail to do so, their session will be terminated, and they will receive the following notification.


In this scenario, the certification candidate has been placed in a "reset" state and will not need an additional digital voucher or be prompted for credit card information to start the exam. Each certification candidate is granted three resets.

Status: In Progress

If a student is working through the certification exam; this message will be shown: "In-Progress (Working on # out of #)"

ProctorCertExam_Step4-1 Student is progressing through the certification exam

Status: Passed

If a student has submitted their work and they passed; this message will be shown:
Passed – Score: #%” along with a Print Certificate button

ProctorCertExam_Step4-2 Student is progressing through the certification exam

Status: Failed

If a student has submitted their work and they did not pass; this message will be shown:
Failed – Score: #% (Unanswered Questions: # out of #)

Student is progressing through the certification exam

5. Resetting

Important: You will not see the reset button unless a certification candidate checks back into the exam after experiencing a technical issue that disrupted testing.

How to use the reset button

Proctors can reset a student’s attempt three times, per student, per certification. 

This reset is meant to prevent using a digital voucher or voucher code when the:

  • Computer/Device loses:
    • Power
    • Network or internet connectivity
  • Student:
    • Closes the browser or browser tab
    • Navigates to a different website

Note: Certification candidates must begin their certification exam within 20 minutes of proctor approval. If they fail to do so, their session will be terminated, and they will receive the following notification.


In this scenario, the certification candidate’s failure to begin the exam within the required 20 minutes resulted in a scored exam.

We're Here to Help

If you have any questions or need additional support, please contact us using one of the options below:
