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CTE Curriculum
Prepare learners with CTE curriculum aligned to industry standards.

Alternative Education
iCEV equips adult learners with the skills and knowledge needed for post-secondary education, training, or employment.

iCEV Testing Platform
Enhance your resume. Refresh your skills. Validate your knowledge.

Certification Alignments
iCEV can help prepare individuals for certification exams not hosted on the iCEV Testing Platform.


Specialized reports and functionalities tailored to the unique needs of CTE educators and students.


Explore CTE Curriculum and Solutions for Your State


Step-by-step tutorials to help you master the iCEV Platform.


In-depth guides designed to maximize the success of your CTE program.

Hire Certified

Learn about resources to help your certification earners find success.


Discover strategies and resources to elevate CTE education.

Education Reports & White Papers

Dive into expert insights and explore the latest trends shaping the future of education.


Visualize the impact of CTE with data-driven insights.


Download printable classroom posters that showcase the transformative power of CTE.

Virtual Events

Discover live and on-demand virtual events to enhance your skills as a teacher or administrator.

Product Roadmap

Explore new courses, certifications and features to elevate your CTE programs.

About iCEV

Learn how iCEV is impacting the next generation of skilled workers.


Meet the Team

Get to know the passionate team dedicated to empowering educators and administrators.

iCEV Advisory Collective

Learn about the educators and industry experts shaping the future of iCEV.

Press Room

Stay updated with the latest iCEV news and developments involving CTE.


Help us make a difference in learners lives by joining our team.


Looking for something else?

Explore Career Exploration

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Career Exploration State-Aligned Courses for Florida

Meet Florida standards and educate your learners on practical, real-world concepts.

  • Orientation to Career Clusters Personal 
  • Development (Career Planning)

Additional Career Exploration Courses Available

  • Career Exploration 
  • Professional Communications (2016 & 2019 Version)

iCEV Curriculum Structure



Course Playlists

Course Playlists contain all of the lessons for a particular topic and could be seen as the equivalent of whole textbooks with the depth of content they offer.

Each course playlist consists of all the content needed to meet the standards specified in a particular subject area.


Lessons are the chapters of an iCEV Course Playlist. Each lesson within iCEV focuses on a set of specified learning objectives, presents information in a video or multimedia format and includes supporting pedagogical materials and resources such as daily lesson plans assessments, projects, and more.





Segments are portions of an individual iCEV lesson, similar to a subchapter within a textbook. For instance, a slide presentation-based lesson may include three segments of content in the presentation. Dividing the content into segments allows for learning objectives to be focused upon and tested for on an accompanying Check for Understanding specific to the segment.

Interactive Materials

iCEV's interactive activities, projects and assessments are based on real-world scenarios and reinforce comprehension of the industry standards assessed within each certification exam.

Cost of Education & Training
Key Concepts III - Paying It Back


Saving & Investment Strategies
Saving & Investment Strategies - Assessment I



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