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About the Course

The Pathophysiology course aims to engage students by studying disease processes and their impact on humans with an emphasis on disease prevention and treatment. Moreover, students will learn to distinguish between normal and abnormal physiological functions.


Pathogenic Organisms

Each lesson includes media-rich presentations, a pre-made lesson plan, assessments and engaging real-world projects and activities. To get an idea of what iCEV offers, explore the sample lesson and resources below.

Lesson Resources:

Lessons Available in This Course

  • Analyzing Data: Pathophysiology
  • Analyzing Medical & Epidemiological Data
  • Communicating Findings in Pathophysiology
  • Conducting Lab & Field Investigations: Pathophysiology
  • Developing a Model: Pathophysiology
  • Disease Diagnosis & Treatment
  • English Applications
  • Experimental Design: Pathophysiology
  • Human Disease Defense & Prevention
  • Human Disease Factors
  • Human Diseases
  • Impact of Science: Pathophysiology
  • Introduction to Pathophysiology*
  • Lab Safety: Pathophysiology
  • Mechanisms of Pathology
  • Pathogenic Organisms
  • Pathophysiology Capstone*
  • Pathophysiology Milestones
  • Professionalism in the Sciences: Pathophysiology
  • Public Health & Wellness
  • Science Explained: Pathophysiology
  • STEM Careers: Pathophysiology
  • The Disease Process
  • Tools & Equipment in Pathophysiology

*This lesson was added to the course after Proclamation 2024 review to enhance student learning and application of concepts included in the course.

Note: In addition to counting as a Health Science credit, the Pathophysiology course can also be used to count as a general science credit to fulfill student requirements. 

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