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What Are the Specialized Reports in Eduthings?

September 24th, 2024 | 12 min. read

Brad Hummel

Brad Hummel

Coming from a family of educators, Brad knows both the joys and challenges of teaching well. Through his own teaching background, he’s experienced both firsthand. As a writer for iCEV, Brad’s goal is to help teachers empower their students by listening to educators’ concerns and creating content that answers their most pressing questions about career and technical education.

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As an educator working in a career and technical education (CTE) program, you’re aware that there are many factors which go into creating and sustaining a high-quality learning experience for your students. 

Often, basic reports on your CTE program’s performance, such as the number of completers and concentrators, don’t begin to explain the full picture of everything your program has to offer. Although your program completion rate is one measure of the effectiveness of your program, it doesn’t account for the wide range of experiences which impact student success. 

To provide a fuller picture of your CTE program’s effectiveness, Eduthings offers a range of specialized reports that detail specific information about your program, courses, and students. 

But what exactly are these specialized reports? And how can you use them to the benefit and growth of your CTE program? 

In this article, you’ll discover everything you need to know about Eduthings Specialized Reports, including: 

  • Why Does Eduthings Include Specialized Reports? 
  • What Types of Reports Are Available? 
  • How Can I Use Eduthings Specialized Reports to Benefit My CTE Program?

After reading, you should understand the benefits of specialized reports to demonstrate the value of your CTE program and plan for the future. 

Why Does Eduthings Include Specialized Reports? 

Schools and their CTE programs are required to report key figures relevant to student success. Often this includes basic information like the number of completers and concentrators in a CTE program and pass rates on industry certifications. To create these reports, some programs keep track of data by hand or with spreadsheets, while other districts may use a more general education data management system. 

However, these reports don’t cover every aspect of your CTE program, including key information you can use to make important decisions about the future of pathways, courses, certifications, and work-based learning programs. Without this information, you may be forced to make these decisions without being able to pinpoint the unique successes and challenges of your program. 

As a robust data management solution designed explicitly for CTE programs, Eduthings is designed to track the full breadth of your CTE offerings. This includes tracking major indicators of program success such as industry-based certifications and CTSO participation. But it also includes more nuanced aspects of career and technical education that a generalized data management tool might miss. 

Eduthings includes specialized reports so that schools and their leaders have full command of their CTE data. This includes a range of individual reports and related features that help administrators find valuable insights relevant to the future of their programs. 

Below, we’ll consider some of these reports along with their applications for CTE leaders. 

What Types of Reports Are Available? 

Eduthings offers a range of specialized reports, each focused on a specific aspect of your CTE program. Depending on your program’s specific needs, you might find yourself relying on certain reports more than others. All are available as part of an Eduthings subscription, ensuring you and your district always have the information you need right at your fingertips. 

Based on our experience working with CTE programs, we’ve found that some of the most used types of specialized reports in Eduthings include: 

  • Students Re-Enrolled Reports 
  • Close to CCMR Reports 
  • Courses Without a Statewide Program of Study Reports

Here, we’ll take a closer look at each of these groups of reports and how you can use them to manage CTE data.

Students Re-Enrolled Reports 

The students re-enrolled group includes three different Eduthings reports: 

  • Analytics 
  • Data Investigation 
  • Students Re-Enrolled

Together, these reports help administrators track which classes students are taking, including discovering learners who are enrolled in a class for which they have already earned full or partial credit. 

Since students often enroll in courses with similar names, understanding which students have re-enrolled is critical to keeping CTE records straight—and keeping your learners on track for graduation. 

Close to CCMR Reports 

A second popular category of Eduthings reports are the Close to CCMR reports. Texas districts can use the following reports to assess College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) status within your program: 

  • Analytics 
  • CCMR 
  • Close to CCMR

The Close to CCMR reports allow program administrators to understand which students are currently college, career, and military ready. 

More importantly, they also identify learners who have almost achieved this status and the specific requirements they need to meet to achieve it. This helps CTE programs optimize their resources to ensure as many students are CCM-ready as possible. 

Courses Without a Statewide Program of Study Reports 

Administrators can use several reports to discover courses without a statewide program of study. Specifically, Eduthings users can look at: 

  • Analytics 
  • Enrollment Reports 
  • Courses Without a Statewide Program of Study (POS)

Most CTE courses are connected to or embedded within a particular program study. This helps lead individuals to completer status within the pathway of their choosing. Using these reports, program leaders can determine which courses aren’t connected to a program of study to ensure all courses are properly aligned. 

These are just a few of the many specialized reports available within Eduthings. Below, we’ll consider how you can use these reports to enhance your CTE program. 

How Can I Use Eduthings Specialized Reports to Benefit My CTE Program? 

The ultimate purpose of Eduthings’ specialized reports is to find ways to refine and enhance your CTE program. You can use the reports separately or together to pinpoint where your program and students are succeeding and where you can improve to better help your learners in the future. 

The key is to take advantage of the specialized reports that are most relevant to your CTE program and use them in tandem with more general reports like completer and concentrator rates, certification pass rates, and demographic information. 

For example, you can use the Close to CCMR reports to identify students who are close to CCM ready. Are these students more likely to have taken certain courses? Are students at a particular school or learning from a specific teacher closer than others? From this information, you can find where your program is optimally preparing students, and how you might model the remainder of your CTE program around this ideal path to success. 

Another example of using Eduthings’ specialized reports comes at the program level. Administrators can use the reports for Courses Without a Statewide Program of Study to find which classes aren’t aligned with a specific CTE program as designated by your state’s department of education. This will help you streamline your CTE program so that every student successfully obtains completer status for their program of choice. When every course in a CTE program is connected to an approved program of study, you’ll be confident that every learner is career-ready after graduation.

Discover Eduthings and Enhance Your CTE Data Management 

CTE administrators are responsible for managing a wide range of data which reflects the performance of their program and the opportunities it provides for learners in many career pathways. But when you only look at surface statistics like the number of completers and concentrators within your program, you might be missing the full picture of how your program serves students. 

Thankfully, Eduthings provides a wide range of specialized reports to ensure that you have a robust understanding of where your program succeeds, and where you can expand your offerings to give even more opportunities to the next generation of CTE students. 

In this article, we’ve considered just a few of the specialized reports available with an Eduthings subscription. You can use each of the reports mentioned to analyze and enhance your CTE program. 

But the best way to discover how Eduthings can benefit your program, teachers, and students is to sign up for personalized demo. During your demo, you’ll discover how Eduthings can make a difference for your district so you can focus on empowering your teachers and students: