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Career and Technical Education (CTE) | Data Management | Eduthings

What Is Eduthings and How Can It Help My CTE Program Manage Data?

February 1st, 2024 | 17 min. read

Brad Hummel

Brad Hummel

Coming from a family of educators, Brad knows both the joys and challenges of teaching well. Through his own teaching background, he’s experienced both firsthand. As a writer for iCEV, Brad’s goal is to help teachers empower their students by listening to educators’ concerns and creating content that answers their most pressing questions about career and technical education.

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For administrators in career and technical education (CTE) programs, accurately tracking and reporting data is critical to measuring success and receiving continued funding. But for many educators, it’s also one of the most frustrating parts of their jobs. 

Because you need to keep track of enrollment numbers, certification pass rates, and work-based learning opportunities, it can be difficult to manage all this information at once. Worse still, when it comes to reporting this information, the process of locating, calculating, and submitting precise figures is painstaking and time-consuming. 

However, many educators have found that there’s a better way to collect and organize student data that streamlines the reporting process and makes analysis and decision-making easier. They’ve adopted Eduthings as their CTE data management solution. 

In this article, you’ll learn more about Eduthings and why an increasing number of CTE administrators are using it in their programs. 

Specifically, you’ll discover: 

  • What Is Eduthings? 
  • How Does Eduthings Work? 
  • What Type of Data Does Eduthings Manage? 
  • How Does Eduthings Make Reporting Simple? 
  • Is Eduthings Customizable? 
  • Is Eduthings Right for My CTE Program? 

When you’ve finished reading, you’ll have a more complete understanding of what Eduthings has to offer to help you decide if it may be a good fit for your data management needs. 


What Is Eduthings? 

Eduthings is your CTE command center and data management solution from iCEV. It’s designed to help educators simplify the process of collecting, managing, analyzing, and reporting on CTE program data. 

Administrators are being asked to collect and report on more student data than ever before, but data collection and management are often complicated, manual processes that require too much time and effort. Because it’s so difficult to gather data, administrators and districts have limited insight into student outcomes in their CTE programs. 

As a data management solution, Eduthings is designed to improve upon existing data collection methods to ensure CTE programs can comply with regulations, better track student achievement, and improve learning outcomes. Altogether, Eduthings helps administrators save time and ensure data accuracy in order to maximize the effectiveness of their CTE programs. 


How Does Eduthings Work? 

Since educators use a variety of digital tools to track information, it’s important that these figures are collected and managed in a single space. 

Eduthings captures CTE program data by integrating directly with your Student Information Systems (SIS). This digital connection allows educators to simplify the data entry process, ensuring that you only need to enter information in a single place, and it will be captured and imported into the Eduthings data management system. 

Once you’ve integrated your information systems with Eduthings, data is updated automatically through a nightly syncing process. You can be confident that you have the most accurate and complete record of student and program performance. 

Finally, you can use Eduthings to visualize CTE data through specialized reports that help give a more complete picture of a CTE program. This helps educators more accurately indicate program strengths and areas for improvement. 


What Type of Data Does Eduthings Manage? 

Eduthings differs from other data management systems in that it is a solution specifically designed for career and technical education (CTE) programs. While other systems are designed to track general education data, Eduthings manages data specific to students in CTE programs, like CTSO participation and work-based learning. 

Moreover, Eduthings goes beyond the basics to track the full range of learners’ involvement in CTE activities. This allows you to have a more complete picture of the success of your entire program so you can make informed decisions regarding funding, program expansion, and more. 

The types of data Eduthings tracks include: 

For each of these data points, Eduthings creates specialized reports to ensure clean data that is simple to visualize and understand. All this information is stored within the data management system, so you can analyze your numbers without switching between multiple spreadsheets and databases. 


How Does Eduthings Make Reporting Simple? 

Eduthings simplifies the reporting process by ensuring that educators can access all of their CTE data in a single location. Instead of searching through paper records, spreadsheets, and databases to find the exact numbers needed for reporting, administrators can simply log in to the Eduthings platform and access this information immediately. 

You can quickly export all of the data contained in Eduthings in reports that are easy to understand, visualize, and analyze. When you are ready to make your report, you can export the information you need as an organized file you can upload to the relevant organization’s website. 

In addition, Eduthings allows you to export specialized reports, so you can easily use this information to assess your program, highlighting areas of success and growth and shedding light on deficiencies and areas of greatest opportunity. 


Is Eduthings Customizable? 

Every CTE program is unique. While programs report the same data to educational agencies, different schools and districts use various digital tools to collect and store data. 

For these reasons, we customize each Eduthings solution to integrate with your school’s Student Information Systems (SIS) to accurately collect, store, and report student data. When a program becomes an Eduthings customer, our team works directly with your school’s technology department to ensure that the data you need is collected and maintained within the Eduthings system. 

The Eduthings team creates a personalized portal just for your CTE program, collaborating with your district to validate data, make modifications, and provide training for each user. 

Integrating with your existing systems from the start ensures that all of your important data is being tracked from the very beginning. When it comes time to export your data, you can be confident that you have accurate numbers for reporting and decision-making purposes. 


Is Eduthings Right For My CTE Program? 

As a CTE administrator, continually collecting, managing, and reporting on student data is an integral part of your role. Moreover, accurately measuring program performance is essential to compliance with state and federal regulations, receiving valuable funding, and achieving long-term success. For these reasons, you want to make sure that your data management solution satisfies the growing needs of your program. 

While many educators use a variety of databases, spreadsheets, and digital tools for tracking the performance of their CTE programs, using many different systems can be overwhelming and lead to inaccurate and incomplete reports. In addition, these educators may not have the most complete picture of their CTE programs and the scope of activities teachers and students are involved in. 

If you’re looking for a robust reporting solution designed explicitly for CTE, Eduthings could be the right choice for your program. Between collecting CTE-specific data automatically and creating reports that are easy to export and use, Eduthings has already streamlined the data and reporting processes for many districts and schools. 

Could Eduthings be the ideal data management system for your CTE program? Sign up for a personalized demo to learn more: 

Schedule Your Eduthings Demo